Thursday, October 2, 2014

This is hard

Homeschooling is hard. Wait, let me rephrase that. Teaching is hard. Nope, not quite it. Feeling good about myself when homeschooling is hard. There we go, that is more like it. There is not a day that passes that I don't second guess everything I am doing, and this started way before we even started homeschooling. I know this is first year blues as most teachers get but it is even harder when it is your own kids that are directly affected by it. That being said I know I am not the first nor the last person who will feel this way when homeschooling. I have learned on my short time to just focus on the positives. Like the other day when Jack was doing his multiplication, he came across a hard one for him and he figured it out faster than I could explain it. That was the shining moment for him and me to just let them grow on their own. It has been a fun experience and each time I doubt it and tell a stranger that my kids are homeschooled I get praised instead of criticism. Maybe because I am stronger than I realize and say it with confidence.

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