Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Top of the world!

I have conquered the world in this picture! We are literally in the clouds here after a long, grueling hike that was 3.25 miles just to get to this point (half of which my husband and I alternated with holding the 3 year old). It was great seeing how far all of us could go, but it was exhausting. Just like homeschooling. I am exhausted all the time. But it feels so good to hear how well my boys can read or see how fast they do their math. They all are progressing far better than I had ever anticipated. I started the year with no goals other than to see what they are capable of. Now I see what they know and what they want to learn. We have been studying the solar system and Jack makes up his own song memorizing the order of the planets in our universe! He loves going at his own pace like this. Some weeks he flies through it all while at other times he crawls through each day complaining that he is bored. B is different. He doubts himself over and over. He will easily read a book to T then state that he doesn't know how to read. Truth be told, I am shocked at how well they are learning but inside me I still worry that it is not enough. I guess that is normal. I never feel sufficient for my family anyway. It is hard feeling this way but the moments when I hear J reading faster than he ever has before or when B teaches T his numbers I feel such unspeakable joy knowing that for now it is enough. They are happier than ever before so why shouldn't I? For now I will make a goal of posting here weekly of our first year journey. We are going to do this year round. I would stop but they won't let me. Fridays are now going to be down time for us, I need it more than they do. They didn't even want a Spring Break! But I need to recharge and get my goals reassessed and made once again. Until then, we are going to play with Legos.

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