Friday, September 4, 2015

Art Fridays

 This was part school part babysitting and keeping the peace today so we did collages. Top one is my middle boy's work. Bottom is my oldest, he is the one who changed it from a desert scene to ancient Egypt, we all learned that cactus don't grow in Egypt.

 This was the little girl's creation I watched today, they are flowers.
 Top one here is my youngest's work, he obeyed the rules of no cactus but didn't want to make his pyramid 3D. Bottom one is my original showing them what to do. It was a MESS but that is what made it fun.
 After lunch once a week I teach a High School girl art since her school doesn't offer basic art class. She is improving immensely and I enjoy the time to teach technical art to someone instead of just crafts and such.

 Here was my setup from my view.

 An awesome apple with nice stripes on it.

 Her hands drawing the crumpled paper assignment.
 Her's is on top and mine on bottom. This is not my best work but it was still fun to do.
Do art every day, it helps improve the right brain which strengthens the left side along with it. Dance, draw, sing, cook, bake or create something new at least once a day and it will make a difference in your life and your kid's lives as well.

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